

At the helm of Fyrestat, we are led by Jonathan Mitchell, an ardent firefighter and visionary CEO. Jonathan’s unwavering passion for firefighting traces back to his earliest memories, where while others played with planes and cars, he cradled a firetruck in his hands. In late November 2020, he realized his lifelong dream by joining the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department.

His journey into the world of firefighting was marked by a deep love for every facet of the job and the profound camaraderie that enveloped him. Yet, a profound concern gnawed at him as he absorbed the harrowing stories of colleagues trapped inside infernos, devoid of crucial information regarding their location, remaining air supply, or the stability of their well-being.

It was this moment of realization that ignited Jonathan’s unyielding determination to improve the well-being of firefighters on the front lines. The technology in use, primarily reliant on radios to convey vital information, had scarcely evolved since the 1960s. The pressing need for innovation hung heavy in the air, but the path to change remained elusive.

Today, Jonathan Mitchell dedicates his time to pioneering cutting-edge AI technology and software, driven by a singular goal: to enhance the safety of his fellow brothers and sisters in firefighting. With every innovation, he envisions a future where every firefighter returns home, unharmed, at the end of each demanding shift and every life-saving call. Jonathan Mitchell’s leadership is a beacon of hope for the firefighting community, a testament to the unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of those who stand as our first line of defense.

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